
Dungeon Master, Shaper of the Cosmos TTPRG Tumblers

Created by WitchHunt

A collection of large, dice-studded tumbler cups with an outstanding design and incredible hand-feel.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

All stretch goals have been SMASHED!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 07, 2021 at 12:12:17 AM

Boom! I can't believe we've already smashed every stretch goal and it's only been a week since we began. You guys are SO amazing.

As promised, here is the incredibly beautiful Nebula dice set! I wanted to save the best for last. These dice are seriously incredible looking.. the purple resin is so vibrant and the turquoise inserts look like cracking jolts of energy trying to escape from inside! More pictures in different lighting to come soon, along with the Sea Star set.

In the meanwhile... I'm working on some new addons! I don't want to let you in on what I'm working on quite yet just in case any of the items don't pan out, but rest assured I want to give you guys access to all the awesome goodies I can come up with and I'll let you know as soon as I can. I've been really blown away by the popularity of the tumblers so I'm glad I've had the opportunity to work on more items featuring the decals I've designed.

Thanks, everyone for your continued support!


Kimarah @ Witch Hunt

New designs for players and Eclipse unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 04, 2021 at 01:57:18 AM

Hey everyone, happy Sunday evening!

Awesome news - we're well on our way to unlocking the Nebula dice set.. and for now we've just unlocked Eclipse. Here are some close-up pictures and a video of my personal favorite TTRPG tumbler. Check them out! 

You may have noticed something different about this Eclipse tumbler..

New designs! Check out the 3 new decals we've finalized for the new tumblers. I hope you guys are going to LOVE these as much as I do.

Once the campaign is completed everyone will be getting a survey to find out which tumbler finish and decal they'd like. So, if you want to change your tumbler from "Dungeon Master, Shaper of the Cosmos" to one of the new designs you'll be able to do so.

Which design is your favorite? I'd love to hear!

Also, please share the campaign in your socials! Our progress has slowed down a little after launch (which is to be expected) but we'd love to push the funding as far as we can to be able to offer more accessories and addons. 

Thanks everyone!

- Kimarah

More stretch goals unlocked!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 09:52:23 PM

Our first additional dice set stretch goal - Sea Star Dice is now unlocked!

These babies have the same space-inspired accents as the Cosmic dice set but are encased in a beautiful vibrant blue/black resin. We will be following up with more pictures in different lighting environments soon!

Solar is now unlocked!

The Solar tumblers are a warm sparkling gold yellow color. It won't be long before Lunar follows across our skies.

Some thoughts.. 

With the great success of the "Dungeon Master, Shaper of the Cosmos" decal design, as an additional stretch goal we'll be exploring adding some additional decals (more suited to the forever-players at your table) to the collection! Keep your eyes peeled and jump into the conversation when we start discussing your favorites. 

See you all tomorrow for more!


Kimarah at Witch Hunt

Top of the morning to ya! We hit goal!!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 05:32:11 AM

You guys were busy while I was sleeping..

We hit goal AND we unlocked both RED DWARF and OCEAN WORLD cups!!??! Sea Star dice are not so far away now.. 

The matte finish on this baby is hard to do justice to on camera, but it's so luxe and smooth in person..
The light has an incredibly glittery refraction on the front of the cup, but in the shadows, the deep rich blue tones really shine through.

Which cup are you getting? Which are you still holding out for?

Most importantly... DO WE NEED MORE STRETCH GOALS?

Quick note to those who wanted to add additional dice sets in anticipation of them being unlocked: I've added a new addon option for "ANY UNLOCKED Sharp-Edge Dice Set". Don't worry if you've already chosen the Cosmos set - Anyone who has added dice is free to change to any unlocked set they want.  We'll be sending out surveys after the campaign closes to clarify which set you'd like. 🌟

-Kimarah @ Witch Hunt

Cheers to you, guys!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Sep 30, 2021 at 03:08:03 AM

It's so good to be back with another Kickstarter. Thanks so much to those of you who have already backed - you're totally awesome. I'm raising my galaxy tumbler to you!! Can't wait to send your tumbler mugs and sparkly cosmic D20s <3.

Update: I made some additions to the FAQ section for tumbler dimensions and care instructions.

If you have any questions or just feel like chatting let's open up the floor. If there's anything you want to see more clearly please let me know! I'm going to go walk my dog but I'll be back in a few minutes 😊. 

- Kimarah @ Witch Hunt